You have just been sent to Fort Ganrick in the northeast of Avernum and are awaiting further instructions. What can you do to help? Who has created the barriers and why? Has Avernum a chance of surviving the onslaught of the Empire? No one expects a small group of inexperienced adventures to be capable of solving such problems. But maybe you have got what it takes to explore hitherto uncharted waters, to establish diplomatic relations with strange races, to unite all peoples who are opposed to the Empire, so that Avernum can be rid of this yoke of oppression. It is much easier to keep track of things in this game than it was in Avernum 1. Every quest you take is recorded and can be viewed on the Info-Screen (Current Quests). There is unfortunately no way of refusing a quest.Īs soon as you have completed a quest (that generally means reported back to the person who gave you the mission) the quest is removed from the list. If you talk to some one who wants to give you a quest and trigger the correct response, the quest appears on your list and can only be removed by completing it. If for instance you get the mission from Gridley to find the lost shipment of arrows and he gets killed in the nephilim attack on Fort Ganrick, you cannot complete the task and it remains on your list. Some quests like "get metal bars for Kellia in Fort Draco" can never be completed (you can always bring her more bars), so it is on your list permanently. You can also record any text box that appears, by writing it to your journal, which can be read any time. There is however no way of typing in your own notes. So you will have to rely on the good old medium of paper to keep track of things like boats or special items you want to come back for later. You could of course use an electronic notebook for this. These hints (particularly " Shops and other Stuff in Avernum") should make many of the notes redundant. On the dark Waters you cannot really loose your boat, because you spend most of the time in it, only disembarking to explore an island and then sailing on. On the other three waters in Avernum (the river in the northeast from Fort Draco to Formello, the river and lakes of central Avernum and the Northern Waters) it is a bit easier to forget where you left the boat. So either always leave the boat in the same place for each waterway or make a note of where you were when you leave it.

In every friendly town you will find tradespeople who will sell you their goods, mages or priests who will teach you spells or other people like sages, healers or innkeepers who will offer you a range of services. I have compiled a list of all these people and places under the heading " Shops and other Stuff in Avernum". When you have cleared out a hostile dungeon you will want to turn your hard won loot into cash.

Many shopkeepes will offer you a price between 25% and 60% of the face value depending on your reputation and bartering skill.